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Truffle Inoculated Trees

We produce variety kind of truffle inoculated plants. 

Feel free to contact for your planting needs.


Oak Trees

We produce Holly oaks and English oaks inoculated with Tuber Melanosporum (Perigord).

We also produce Garry oaks inoculated with North American Native Truffle.



Truffle trees to plant truffle orchards have been inoculated with truffle spores and

controlled to harbor the selected truffle species. Truffles are grown by planting inoculated tree

plants, which can be produced by Alpine Truffle, LLC. We also help with soil analysis to ensure that the

planting is done in the right place. Then it is important to follow up the planting when we provide

advice on care and we also help with the control of mycorrhiza by root sampling.

Aziz Turkoglu controlling tree root for mycorrhiza
Aziz Turkoglu controlling tree root for mycorrhiza

Quality Checks

Alpine Truffle, LLC certifies nursery production of truffle plants to ensure truffle plants with good

colonization of truffle mycorrhiza.

Good quality plantations for truffle colonization are an essential for future production of truffles in the crop. Quality control is done to ensure that the plant forms mycorrhiza with truffles and that a sufficient proportion of the roots carry truffle mycorrhiza. Great importance is also given to detecting and avoiding mycorrhiza from competing fungi, which may otherwise take over in truffle cultivation.


Plants are planted and maintained


Planting Truffle Trees
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